The Necessity of War
War consists of the systematic taking of human life. War is not possible if the combatants and others are not deprived of their lives. Who can afford to spend more life or can contrive to make the opponent spend more life than he can afford to is the victor. Death is the operational variable without which war loses it's defining element.
Governing bodies require war to justify their existence. It is a device to enable an armed governance entity. All governing power derives from contrived defense against a fabricated enemy.
We as a culture are manipulated to atrocity. Every war is a war of necessity. Not the necessity of toppling a genocidal dictator or preserving the nation from attack or even the spurious necessity of preserving this planet's human inhabitant's liberty to engage in open trade. Instead every war is a necessary war in a manipulative context.
It is an absolute necessity to scar and damage successive generations of human children to allow no generation to pass to adulthood without a sufficient number being inured to the horror of atrocity. They must be taught to accept the murderous objectives of warfare as banal, ubiquitous and necessary. Innocence and humanity must be methodically put to the torch. It needs to be excoriated without fail in each generation the way parental child abuse is inherited and passed from father to son. In no other way can the savagery be sustained. Battered wives and broken children are a generational gift.
Molestation, abuse and warfare have this in common. It must be made to cross the threshold of acceptability, with the distinction that murder requires a higher standard, it must be so contrived so as to cross the threshold of necessity.
Once placed amidst the murderous horror and savagery of war, the newest generation of war's victims fight. They fight for their fellow victims . They fight like abused children who cannot be turned against each other. They fight against the fabricated enemy because there is no choice.
There are no non-casualties in war. Care-givers and families are afflicted in their turn. There is no such thing as an unwounded veteran. Having been taught to abandon injunctions against murder, being made callous to the shredding of human flesh and the shattering of human bone, they carry "snapshots" of inhumanity and carnage in their scarred synapses. They find themselves no longer adaptable to the social structure they were taken from. They are primed and inured. They are the necessary product of war. That which the governing authority craved, another generation horribly remade in their father's image, immune to the human imagination of not sending children to kill and die for the necessity of preserving and maintaining the culture's over-arching, monolithic and profitable industry; death.
Government is by definition prone to coerciveness just like any entity composed of living individuals. It's actions are predicated upon self-interest and self preservation. Homicide within any context is unnatural. It is aberrant within human societies. Violation of the innate disinclination toward murder requires tremendous and directed effort.
Once accomplished, the eradication of psycho-social injunctions against human on human violence is sustained generation-ally. The use of society's children as "tally beads" in the conflict framed competition known as war is made acceptable through the damage inflicted upon previous generations in a manner reflective of the patterns of inter-generational child abuse.
Industries that lend power to government and the pretext that supports the continued existence of coercive government require continuous war to assure that no generation escapes, making war a necessity for the preservation of both government and industry. The damaging of human children is the first operative act in a vicious cycle where war is acceptable, necessary, profitable and beneficial to someone, and everyone.